Thursday, November 3, 2011

Morning Routines

Every morning I make sure to wake up before the first member of my family leaves the house.  That's about all I can promise, I will be up and semi-mobile and wish everybody a happy day before they leave.  The first fifteen to twenty minutes after waking is dodgy time for me.

Elli leaves first, her bus comes to take her to high school (!) at 6:45 in the morning, while it is yet dark.  She gets herself up and prepared for her day, and typically wakes well before 6 o'clock.  She's chipper and organized while she's about it too!  If I couldn't vouch personally that she is my child, I'd wonder.

Clara is the last leaver, her bus gets her at 9:00 a.m..  By this time, I am fully operational.  It's good too, because she takes after me and ranges from groggy reluctance to downright grumpiness upon waking.  Today she woke fairly easily because she had a goal in mind to accomplish before leaving for school  We finished the story she's been writing for a school assignment called, The Volcano's Secret.  She dictated while I typed, since she is a beginner typist and I was once an administrative assistant with 70+ wpm.  I love her style, thinking and self expression--she is one smart cookie!  We refined a few segues and printed out a great story, all before she broke her fast on Nutella waffles and chai.

As we waved and air kissed goodbye and the bus roared away, I witnessed yellow leaves on the neighbors' huge old tree falling to the ground like fat, solid snowflakes, one after another.  We had an early freeze, so our fall colors peaked early, but the hardier varieties have given us beautiful reds and oranges and yellows later on, even as the days remain warm and delightful.  When I see the leaves dropping like today and frost on the roof, I realize winter is on its way.

It's off to the yoga mat for me, dear reader!

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